100% ALL-IN

Creating authenticity in a world of imitation is a valuable and enduring thing. If there’s one thing that’s remained unchanged from Racing-Red’s inception, it’s that everything begins with RACING. All of it, stripped- down below zero, it takes 100 PERCENT: ALL-IN. The mental make-up is critical; the heightened intensity of being unsettled and not being assured of what’s to come is universal when you put on your helmet and the engine thunders to life. Naturally, because speed & danger can be an uncertain recipe. It’s like skydiving: when you jump, I can assure you that your parachute will not open immediately. But if you do not jump, your parachute will never open. If you’re safe, you’ll never soar. Courage is about learning how to function despite the fear, to put aside your instincts to run or give in completely to the anxiety born from fear. Courage is about using your brain and your heart when every cell of your body is screaming at you to fight or flight – and then following through on what you believe is the right thing to do. GO ALL-IN!

There’s a strong emotional tug that draws people to Racing-Red and the dynamic programs we’ve designed trackside. Why, well emotions play a massive role in every customer relationship. Millions of people dream about racing and driving a race car, often at a young age, and have an emotional connection to our brand before they ever experience it up close. Then something happens to kick their journey into high gear, and bam! Everyone that’s felt the roar in a race car has experienced that moment’s raw emotion, and they never forget it.

Racing-Red GT.R programs will teach you how to drive; seriously, drive. We’ll teach you to drive with the mental and physical awareness and aptitude of what’s needed to be in control when everything seems on the edge of being out of control. The first thing that’s critical is that you must not rush into it. You need to get the basics right first. Vision is essential, and understanding the Racing Line, Pedal Transition, Trail Braking, Corner Entry, Corner Exit, finding the Apex, and Carrying Speed: Fast-in, Fast-out. Then we will push past your comfort zone again and again and again until it feels natural. Then we’ll push just a little bit more. Take a deep breath; you will thrive on the racetrack with our team firmly planted in your experience: you can say it’s our goal to certify that your goosebumps are busy.



Coffee & Croissants

Enjoy a luscious croissant together with the perfect cup of coffee or espresso from our trackside barista.

Resorts & Accommodations

Relax, we are your Corporate Concierge Service to the finest in first-class resorts and accommodations.

Catering & Cuisine

With a wide array of mouth-water delicatessen. Choosing the ideal catering service will ensure the success of your event.

Fine Wine & Dining

We can facilitate an extraordinary gourmet experience and fine wine or venture into culinary dropout fun: cold beer and classic food done right.

Shuttle & Transportation

We can organize transportation that includes professional drivers to shuttle your group to and from every stop on your Racing-Red itinerary.

Photography & Video

Because life’s moments are meant to be captured, we will have our professional staff trackside with video and photography during your event.

Racing-Red 1250 x 530 MASTER V3

Join our team trackside.
